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Find Your Fit: Comprehensive Contact Lens Options in Odessa

We offer a variety of contact lenses, including daily disposables, extended wear, and multifocal options. Our expert team will help you find the perfect pair for your lifestyle and vision needs, ensuring comfort and clarity.

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What Can I Expect At a Contact Lens Fitting?

A contact lens fitting is essential to ensure your contact lenses provide optimal vision, comfort, and eye health. This personalized service involves several key steps:

  • Comprehensive Eye Exam: Before fitting contact lenses, a thorough eye exam is necessary to assess your overall eye health and to determine your prescription. This exam will identify any issues influencing contact lens selection, such as dry eyes or astigmatism.
  • Measurement: This step is where the expertise of your eye care professional shines. They will accurately measure the curvature of your cornea and the diameter of your iris to ensure the lenses fit precisely. This precision is vital as it prevents discomfort and reduces the risk of corneal abrasions and other eye health issues.
  • Lens Selection: Your eye doctor might recommend different types of lenses depending on your lifestyle, eye health, and personal comfort. Options include soft lenses, rigid gas-permeable lenses, and specialized lenses for conditions like astigmatism or presbyopia.
  • Trial Period: This is a crucial phase during which you get to experience the lenses firsthand. You'll wear the contacts to see how they fit and feel. Your eye care provider will assess how well the lenses sit on your eyes and whether adjustments are needed. This ensures that you're comfortable and confident with your final lens selection.
  • Follow-Up Care: Follow-up visits ensure the contact lenses fit well and do not harm your eyes. These appointments are crucial for making necessary adjustments and reinforcing proper lens care and handling techniques.
Man holding contact lens, closeup

Our Contact Lens Options

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Daily Contact Lenses

Daily contact lenses offer numerous advantages in convenience and eye health. Each day starts with a fresh, sterile pair of lenses, eliminating the need for cleaning and decreasing the risk of infections.

They are ideal for those with allergies, as there’s no buildup of irritants. Daily disposables are perfect for occasional wear, making them cost-effective for those who alternate with glasses. Their simple use and hygienic benefits make them popular among contact lens wearers.

Monthly and Bi-Weekly Lenses

Bi-weekly and monthly contact lenses are cost-effective options for regular contact lens wearers. They offer the convenience of extended use with fewer replacements.

These lenses contain materials that allow more oxygen to pass through to the cornea, promoting better eye health and comfort over longer periods. Additionally, they are suited for various prescriptions, including those for astigmatism and multifocal needs.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Our clinic offers an extensive range of specialty contact lenses designed to cater to unique visual needs and enhance comfort.

Among our offerings are orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses for non-invasive temporary correction of myopia and scleral lenses for treating conditions affecting the cornea, such as keratoconus. We also specialize in toric contacts for astigmatism and bifocal or multifocal lenses, perfect for individuals dealing with presbyopia and wanting to reduce dependence on reading glasses.

Each lens type is customized to meet your needs, ensuring optimal vision and eye health.

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Multifocal and Bifocal Contacts

Bifocal and multifocal contact lenses correct vision at multiple distances, offering a seamless transition between near, intermediate, and far vision. This makes them ideal for individuals experiencing presbyopia, a common age-related condition that affects near vision. These lenses offer the freedom to see clearly across all distances, enhancing daily activities and overall quality of life.

young woman inserting contact lenses

Colored Contact Lenses

Colored contact lenses enhance or completely change your natural eye color while correcting your vision. They are available in various colors and styles, allowing you to customize your look for different occasions.